
Gun man profile 2 - Middleton

We continue on these profile


Meaning 歷歷在眼前 

Square's wife her name is Lily, 

Chinese pronunciation of that " li li zhei act out front", meaning per life surgical motion of those bloody, or mary bloody, bloody hell, oh mine, oh ~~ man sound, oh, woman sound, oh oh oh, bloody...oh man so tall, curl like a mermaid says.

"oh bloody, hahahahha, wa hahahahhaha"

"Clap, hahahaha, I didn't didn't do that. I know whom doing that, I tell mummy."

Probably that is why that Middleton stays on that perfect crown forever....really. I can tell you that. Talking about the flaws or the faults, she does best. You don't tell her that, I tell the whole world that she will hear it.

"We are the same !!!"

Jonathon won't think Tamang is a lot like that, I will tell you Stephen Tamang he is exactly that. He grows tooooooo tall. Of course taller than Middleton. He is the same height like Dean. You saw that in the Smallville and Mummy (1999), its exactly like that.

The Superman inside out and the gun man profile.

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