
In-line zone usually means Pixie is on the line, meaning the territory line.

So anything in-line zone are the local population of that one nation. Inside this different housing, and model home those, there are various small nucleus family whom are gathered because of the school classmate in Asia, because of the relative travel in America side. Both are all different reason why they have the children or the gathering of the different climate weather.

I am the vacuum I guess in those office you visit the Canadian border in the sky, those bridge sky, those are their office made for. Imagine....the diagram.



I don't think I thought about a lot of things anymore, everyday losing the weight, intake the water, in the personal life, Tina is not stable, the housing the kids. The plants are outside, and everyone else the environment aging them are dying out. I can tell they are not they used to be. In their whole life, they were in their own age, all those things in between each other. 

The people personality conflict, not getting along in each other's world. At the job you imagine everyone is so carefree to be on the jobs.


Right, you might seeing them on the road. You seeing some of these shorty Asian guy or the girls. The shorts, not super glamour all world like the TV. You wonder where they will be. They talking in the cluster formats.

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