
There was a lot of times, too many times, I physically at a line, not going forward. So many times, you run to the line on the ground painted....and you look front, you look at the side...

You saying that BTX first episode, was an indoor inept the powerpoint slide presentation. The worse of all things were that is a public known magazine included, to seeing this line and cross the airline, the location the structure. In our city you can take the taxi.

And I did that many times.

So was that Tina Jojo might just remember her high school memory. The Korean Drama like the zombie train my brother, my uncle, and Lucy. Its per time shut off, the TV is off. That W Two World End words on the screen. Its every frame I freak out, you have no idea how many times I live a real scene of all that per line on the ground, the per sky walk bridge, to climb up, climb down, running the short cut of that one location or finding another location. 

I used to talk about it.

A line, a door, an intersection, a traffic stop, a picture sign at that. You would have told me....those are not true.

So dealing you all a map line, its not something new, really. 

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