
My weight at 70.45 Kg

The New Website: https://194un003g.blogspot.com/

70.00 Kg 

I start at 70.25 the clear visible pain killer patches

Now its 70.45 has been every day pain killer patches

And it started it again at the first number before (under the post title)

I need to change my website again. I add the Muji on the Top (MJ written)

Babaji he is a strong swimmer too. 

He is strong I think. Not sure just recent he wakes up, or he took all my K1 -K12 that time, copy and paste himself that time. I think he goes that far, for real. Meaning any of your IQ problems is literally I keep saying your rudimentary subjects are not passing.

Maybe find if this Babaji has a real brother anywhere on this Earth. ANYWHERE. Search, find him.

Babaji is that X Man cc position, 3 Art Keanu's short guy boss. He is the right wing of Tim Cook Political spirituality 政治靈修 - the monopoly.

X Man Future and the Past

He talks like that CC, but he looks like that combination of Fang CAC and China TV that ...father to the curly hair kid mute, no talking.

Victoria Secret - Romance Journey, junior Bush beat his father's bummy, in the Rosie Huntington, during 2004 on, it was his news how junior Bush met his wife, so I don't think he and the senior Bush the same, the oil business in the middle East. The War since 911.

No, he is a little bit darker than the Chinese guy, he is a lot bad temper like Dr. Bing Shen. Your IQ does not reach like Pang. He talks small, less, not aggressive guy. Meaning he is that muted kids. His entire temperament is like that. He got mad will be like Dennis those if Dennis get up using 4 limbs tall guy keep hitting. He cannot describe his feeling out, those science side of the Asian domain guy.

He just knows, not he can express. 

He is a double e, all the space of those flying stuffs physics, at least I am sure I meant he lives on the million years, he is in the meditation just recently outside. - The War God in 3310 Peach blossom.


He will never be humility running deep. That due time past. Its the Hunger Game 74 those dim light inside making the deal business. Kinda of like our cinema here Taipei near 101, very dim light like those.

He thinks people do on purpose all the time, targeting at him, never ends. I can tell you that. He is that small tiny.

I think Shane is not what he used to be that looking, just like his dad's face right now. He is turning to become like his dad, like him. Exactly. So he Babaji human-God will tell him that clearly. The million old people's money and the IQ will reach that Victoria Secret - Romance Journey the first time meeting sequence, probably.  That guy looks like Lanh, not Filan in Toronto Center Contact person. No, not the black frames eye glasses.

Nicky is in restrain. I don't think everyone knows that. But when they were the 5 people in the busienss, I told all of people, they are in the 5 different direction. Here is the sheet, cut in half, do on the left side before 2012, one right side as current now. Write down a list of the name on 2 side. But focus on the right side of this sheet, under that name, you be honest yourself one line in the description how you feel about that person. Feeling, the New Age feeling.

Get the second sheet A4, writting it down all the feeling of this New direction after their 2012, the band breaks apart. The Westlife. They 5 are not together. No. For the business temporarily, they are. Shane he can handle all that himself of his side of Westlife, Nicky, or anyone all around him.  By himself.

I never input anything what I think at all. I have my own sequence of the stupid people in the head whatever this I say I know I was the leadership or I am now the leadership. Shane just does his own side world of those things.

No, me and Shane never discuss.

1) You mean if I ever boss him, no.

2) Never tell him anything above this paragraph, No. Not Babaji, nor leave him alone.

I only give them or 5 the same exact Sheet, might be without Shane that time. It was at Nicky. And the public space here. They have a way to work things when they are in the concert, so I assuming, they only relate that message to Shane, from Nicky or Brian those under the contract they work together. Personally I don't think they mix up between the professional life, or the private behind life as long as like 25 years ago.  I inquire, not I force that. Like Nicky and Kian. They have their own agent, the Art agent. Those are the art manager, of the music business. I am not in those business. I talked to Shane, he handles the agent, and the Westlife company and his own personal life with everything. I never inquire one thing about that side of life.

So since I don't know one thing in his life = I am the honorable superior seat.

Its between one guy has no position such as Babaji does whatever he wants without the dignity or the manner. I think something about the guys, or inside the guys, or anything on that TV. The Twin in 3310. Probably. Mark's TV. 三生三世十里桃花

Those are the very cute tiger meow for a kid doesn't talk. Mahavatar Babaji probably been to as a father before long long long time ago, before he samadhi in whichever seating stone place at.  He came out for the Bible this time.




Not Dr. Bing Shen. My mother's father's cross land's older's brother's youngest son. 

Not Mark, the prince in 33 10 Peach blossom. Its the dad, like Shane Filan or whichever....the highest guy its Mahavatar Babaji the Human-Celestial can reach the physical plane coming in and out, that Babaji. 

The twin brother or the twin lotus, whichever that I think.

When they are in the external world, the upper world

They know exactly what the TV means, and took the Action like the Legally Blonde 1. On this Earth, he didn't need to keep the image. That Mahavatar Babaji. Not here. This is no where near the Central.

Babaji 跑去 hang this one upside down, beat up or kill it.

That Indian short hair in jail, eye glasses that physics Babaji. jumping in and out of that Yogananda house in Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

The human-celestial that Babaji

No, not the Babaji God, no one can access, no.


No, this jail human Babaji human-celestial in that house short hair, is the one going to this sex business venue, and all the girls hear this, gone to the outside city to purchase home. I say, "The man only needs the money and the food, not the sex.", he is in that business. They have the scholarship for the girls to beauty pageant those business. No, no moral, just they enter the City district - the urban planning. They have to look, dress, height, talk, lean to the guys, so they can enter that entire city structure. Its by the money.

Everything like the movie.

They lose the human stock gene, or they lose the incentive from the girls freedom willingness to give them everything, one of those combine. Because they have the free will to lawsuit included, maybe that is how he half ends up in the jail, either its in the mundane world, or the celestial just an act. he cannot be jailed, one of those, that is where his home bound was.

I told you he is delicate, I just don't know which is delicate real or not real.

So Shane Filan is....not the human gene stock those, meaning what? The humility running deep, no perfume, no man's deordarant, dirty, mud, what else the mud, like the home grown balcony food, one of those?

Out, I don't want to see that.

I hate those otter environment too. But I have other things to do, you all medical world suppose to go and do something per them, as your job, or pretending a job.
The guy lied to the girls, right....the every world, that is their fault. The guys cared about the sex too, except they will never forever love you or trust you other than their mother. Your food process methods or you chop your finger if accidentally inside that kitchen, that is a body deformed, the guy will tell you, that is No and no and no. They do cared about the sex, just...you are only be used for that reason. That is the only truth. You cannot be trust, not in the background how you grew up, not if you will arrive the money income, not the IQ, not those make-up this or that, or the expense combine. The guys told you every lie because you are a lot more criminal nature. You are not carefully inside your own personal space and you might smoke too.


I might have to change the website, again.


Magic - Karen CAC 4 girls + me went to this birthday place, James asking some bread for us. He came too once. I told him, no I didn't invite him.

I believe it was a show of the hyponosis and magic in front of our table.

How to steal that fast. 

Elsa (if not my mother, how fast she made my bed, everyone hate) She cannot see Zawanna, or Ancient Chasez (young or old), Kail or the Indian General those type. Its in my room, she was fixing all things, I tell her to get out.

In Ma'am Ching Hai practice groups, some people will describe their hand on experience, the object flies through their hands moving that objects. Some of those things. She believes all that or she tried to think if its all that. Tina makes a big deal of those movies I guess.

Gun man profile 2 - Middleton

We continue on these profile


Meaning 歷歷在眼前 

Square's wife her name is Lily, 

Chinese pronunciation of that " li li zhei act out front", meaning per life surgical motion of those bloody, or mary bloody, bloody hell, oh mine, oh ~~ man sound, oh, woman sound, oh oh oh, bloody...oh man so tall, curl like a mermaid says.

"oh bloody, hahahahha, wa hahahahhaha"

"Clap, hahahaha, I didn't didn't do that. I know whom doing that, I tell mummy."

Probably that is why that Middleton stays on that perfect crown forever....really. I can tell you that. Talking about the flaws or the faults, she does best. You don't tell her that, I tell the whole world that she will hear it.

"We are the same !!!"

Jonathon won't think Tamang is a lot like that, I will tell you Stephen Tamang he is exactly that. He grows tooooooo tall. Of course taller than Middleton. He is the same height like Dean. You saw that in the Smallville and Mummy (1999), its exactly like that.

The Superman inside out and the gun man profile.




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

💝 I don't think you ever imagine a world responsibility like the TV, what if every direction was not reliable those human inside the classify, I just have to make it, the whole world make it because I must? 💝

Every day you living in that zone, everything must be responsible.  I don't think you get anything going in life, you realize that with the TV.


They are not the only people in-line. I used to set up a what, the defense line you forget?

1. Pixie will be the strongest.

2. The industrialist. 

3. SWAT Team every country, they are walking the street line kinda of like the Fire Department must know per avenue, and every so often, or walking daily around the blocks.

They are not on the internet.

You saying the Harry Potter Dumbledore to go and talking to the giant. That has to be the Silicon Valley.

錯位 = wrong way, sequence front and back wrong.

Like Eben and Prince William. = gay (花千骨 2015 )

Square and her brother its an Ancient Chinese 方圓百里

Fitness Talk

When I grew up, I don't have a face. In my entire time, I will tell you I never think I will ever had one bf in my life. The whole life I believe that. I look at the mirror to believe everything here is only where the Asian are.

Then one day I immigrant to America, and the first 5 years up to met one ex bf I ever had, just 2 of us life, so I never seen anymore human other than my facebook but no one talking on the facebook. It might happen inside your own facebook too.

When nick used to be 15 years old, those time, he had the appearance lasting up to? And that is all his life ever had. To say now today I seeing this a several structure how people wish and want in life other than the money - its the romance. 

In America to run anything pretending a military talk 1) The Height and 2) the Look

That will be the only country I know of, I cannot possible going anywhere else like Europe, it will never occur to me what is in Europe. Not really. I know everything about the drawing the map, not living there. Someone told me. People venture in Europe. 

UFO Seth he checks his facebook. He does.

I put some of the student format = the high school my school Tw, for saying the student club

To one day that SA in UB. People breath on that because its how the colleague inside the real jobs vs the home owner manual, for some reason, I gonna tell you as long as I live here, its an intuitive things for me. 16 years ago, I didn't see any of you all UB imagine I had Youtube Channel that time, it was the organic chemistry. We didn't need to believe the same thing, I am sure some of you talking to your parents about it. Like the chat, like the idea why the IT business is striving, and someone would spend that much of the day or the works for those small tiny trivial things that time.

You have your choice that 16 years gone, you cannot tell me you didn't do anything in 16 years gone inside your own very life. 

In-line zone usually means Pixie is on the line, meaning the territory line.

So anything in-line zone are the local population of that one nation. Inside this different housing, and model home those, there are various small nucleus family whom are gathered because of the school classmate in Asia, because of the relative travel in America side. Both are all different reason why they have the children or the gathering of the different climate weather.

I am the vacuum I guess in those office you visit the Canadian border in the sky, those bridge sky, those are their office made for. Imagine....the diagram.



I don't think I thought about a lot of things anymore, everyday losing the weight, intake the water, in the personal life, Tina is not stable, the housing the kids. The plants are outside, and everyone else the environment aging them are dying out. I can tell they are not they used to be. In their whole life, they were in their own age, all those things in between each other. 

The people personality conflict, not getting along in each other's world. At the job you imagine everyone is so carefree to be on the jobs.


Right, you might seeing them on the road. You seeing some of these shorty Asian guy or the girls. The shorts, not super glamour all world like the TV. You wonder where they will be. They talking in the cluster formats.

An American medical school is indoor, and you have the light on the ceiling and the heating device. A world with the book, its you flip every page copy and comprehend and paste exactly what the English native you say...

No wind, no harsh weather, no such per physical strength, you mean the animal kingdom or the planets or the sun in itself, the elements of or the plants Kingdom, or the high tech included....its just a library, everything stays motion to flip and open.

Copy, comprehend, and say it right, say it legal.

There was a lot of times, too many times, I physically at a line, not going forward. So many times, you run to the line on the ground painted....and you look front, you look at the side...

You saying that BTX first episode, was an indoor inept the powerpoint slide presentation. The worse of all things were that is a public known magazine included, to seeing this line and cross the airline, the location the structure. In our city you can take the taxi.

And I did that many times.

So was that Tina Jojo might just remember her high school memory. The Korean Drama like the zombie train my brother, my uncle, and Lucy. Its per time shut off, the TV is off. That W Two World End words on the screen. Its every frame I freak out, you have no idea how many times I live a real scene of all that per line on the ground, the per sky walk bridge, to climb up, climb down, running the short cut of that one location or finding another location. 

I used to talk about it.

A line, a door, an intersection, a traffic stop, a picture sign at that. You would have told me....those are not true.

So dealing you all a map line, its not something new, really. 

I don't think every leadership....well, the outside is nothing like my painting (supposed to the only Corperation sleek and the Central or the governmental body)

Just like us. Frozen outfit, as a lady of the House? You don't live on the tree or lean on the wall to sleep, that is what you mean, I have 5 mins to sleep and wake up?

I hate my Pinterest album that one? Zawanna's medical school has this ceiling like 4th floor height or 5th floor height, all empty, tall, beidge or white mix to that sunlight from the ceiling coming in design. V upside down. - the library. He has to be alone to read on the desk and no one in the library, he only finding his own life term all by himself.

You gonna tell me that is very lonely? Like any teacher's union included? Because you are not sure you will get in the high school teacher's job, or the university professor.

You know Dr. Shen he is strict to his kids when they were younger, they have to read the English books

A lot of the science people are the hash people including the mushroom professor, or my physics teacher if they were younger again those. I had a several high school that is the guy's teacher. They can be very harsh, you mean you learn that stuffs. You didn't believe that is the entire American upper and 50 state license board or the medical board why I meant it has to be a legal job not pretending a job?

I don't have time...I have to look at, "the cramp".

The OU language. A alphabet under "am" pronounce as brain in Chinese or angry in "not". The bug gone to the ice skating the pages in the folder. Its not good, I can tell you that. Right I kill it. You know there are two GE!! Your pelvic behind lower line.


I wash it open. Too oily for the period, toooooo much spice.

I was saying rinsing your mouth, your teeth, the face, the eyes after 20 mins facet water every morning flows out. And 4 limbs soaking ,,,,

Not this again !!!!!

Disney princess outfit


Hey, you have a whole library to copy and paste for the American medical school, legal or in the jails?

Well, you have the 1 year or 2 years to keep waiting. You are so confident in it. I am not in that job, I just going along with it, I lie to you when I drawing anything to pretend like. I am not super freaking it out, but I could see it what is on the map. They did that so I have the seeing, or they telling me after they done that by knowing that so?

I used to believe that in one thing, and then....May pass and a several thing I got stuck, so when I seeing it again on the TV.

You know how when I draw down Zawanna or Kail those photo image, or something I need to draw on the board, and then one of those you looking at the Westlife included. The combination its after some weeks, so here that TV again.

I feel very very very bad myself. (Here in Taiwan, 在台灣的)

Movie : Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween 怪物遊戲 2: 妖獸讚

She looks like whom? Her name is:  Wendi McLendon-Covey

The commercial on the Slam Dunk. I never seeing a lot of the face you say you like the guys and the girls when you met them, and you think that’s the first genuine experience in life. But when you imagine whom has a real house, it’s those older people but everyone has a mortgage what you gonna do?

You mean really take care that person or not trusted your pooing time? 

Your hospital time?

Your parents I think the time you have, you don’t go to those guys so gays and you need to find your way with the money. You see this last 5 months, when they were in the European tour. That one commander-in-chef says and start to manifest here in front of my eyes. No, that’s not what I tell Shane.

I say the girls with some money on the TV needs to come down, settle down, not playing around. The car, the house because you can afford or your home cleaning chore. Talk clear, take care the things you as a girl needs ALL of THAT. I don’t think they really doing that. It’s here, on our TV here.

Here in Taiwan. You are not here so you didn’t see it …

That is the guy I keep saying he is the SMCH those Scott human looking.

No, not X man. The SMCH side, I imagine....behind the camera, unless the voice is not right. So that is a kind of the guy loves the romance included, so a lot of every human in this world cares about it. The gay's world, between the guy to a guy. And they always pretend they like about the lady? The external outside the first batch you gonna see the guys, what you gonna do, they compete

1. The family, the money, the background.

2. The literacy, the profession, the MD and Ph.D

3. What if you never seen a very very very stable 2 gays looks very very normal, and carry a very clear responsibility?

4. You don't want to really asking that American medical board how far you gonna regret your life at all, seriously, every single day of that Open Day on?

你們很在乎戀愛的意思? 那錢呢?

長相 + 身材,你們去找做手術像亞洲都知道日本韓國,包括同性戀 (男的女的),長相跟身高,但是你們沒有錢就一起去死的意思? 我聽說但是你們不是那樣一起去死的吧 ? 你們是無法一直再一起做假的事情,才會換來換去吧 ?

去找醫生問 ! 長相跟身高, 就是你們很在乎戀愛的那一群。


Some people only care about the money, not that.

Movie: A Thousand Words

Yesterday I saw it.

He is a half gay. Not sure how far the gay parts, but its half at least gay.

oh ~ the ending song is that kind of the women's voice? I think that is not right. They are like the gun man's mentality, very unstable inside. Not as worse as Tamang.

Its like 大拉拉 personality !!  (Big la la personality in Chinese way saying), forgotton hat, or food, or the drink on the bench, or will never throw the trash in the garbage bin. I saw it. Its a coal tall man thinner very taller completely coal black man. Or he will throw like tossing a trash like a game, into that near by trash bin on the beach. He has a very longer limb, doing that.

They put a funny movie sound after.

Its about a women asking about love to a guy, this guy would sound like a gay I guess.

Movie: El Diablo

So spanish.....every one looking for somebody, like a love, then what about the money?

所以你們很在意戀愛的意思? 長相 !!

You care about the romance a lot and it won't matter if you have the money or not, I never told UB that, or I did, they need to check and re- double check, that is not like some body else on debts and just pretend he is what, to seek a romance relationship at all.

The look, if your money and the career is stable. The look, the height, I will tell you all that. The Asian they put a lot of those plastic surgeon in. I will tell you that is the quickest way you realize that. The hair cut and the appearance. Some people they get into the relationship both have no money. I have heard those. They need that.